Iceberg in an orange sunset Iceberg in an orange sunset

Why you might not need a writer after all

Sophia Habl, 09 February 2024.

That title -

I know.

Not great marketing, is it?

Listen - I promise this isn’t some twisted attempt at reverse psychology.

I do genuinely believe there’s a right time to outsource copy.

Before bringing on a copywriter, you need to do some groundwork.

Neglecting this is the difference between content that converts, and copy that gets scrolled past and ignored.

I’m going to focus on 3 key players: strategists, content marketers, and copywriters.

Let’s find out which one you need.

Key takeaways

  • Behind every successful content marketing system is a strategy.
  • If you have a content framework in place, you’re ready for a copywriter.
  • If you have no idea how to handle content for your brand, you need a content marketer.

Key Differences: Strategists, Content Marketers, and Copywriters

What is a content strategy?

Take a look at this iceberg below.

Tip of the iceberg is copywriting, middle is content marketing, and bottom is strategy

Design by

Imagine strategy as the lowest, submerged portion.

While not visible to the audience, it forms the foundation for content marketing.

Strategy answers the big “Why?”.

  • Why are we creating this content?
  • What do we want to achieve with it?
  • How does it advance business objectives?

Content marketing without a strategy is a shot in the dark.

It could work, or not.

Your content should be rooted in a goal, and without a strategy - there’s no clear pathway to reach that goal.

Instead of basing it on knee-jerk reactions or spur-of-the-moment decisions -

It should be calculated, careful, and wholly linked to the business’s development.

What is a content strategist?

Content strategists provide the blueprint for successful content marketing with:

  • Core messaging
  • Best platforms to use
  • Wider and platform-specific goals
  • Metrics to track success

They layer the conceptual information that informs content marketers why the calendar is set up the way it is.

If you’re still learning the ropes, you likely don’t have a strategy just yet.

If this is the case - check out the sustainability marketing agency Dandelion Branding or the wonderful Michelle White to nail this down before outsourcing copy.

What is a content marketer?

Content marketing is the submerged part of the iceberg, just below the waterline.

It is supported and upheld by strategy, and it remains invisible to the audience.

At its core, content marketers are the boots on the ground.

They build a calendar and operate it.

Whether you decide to bring on a freelancer or hire someone in-house, your content marketer is the one planning, creating, distributing, and analysing content to achieve business objectives.

The value of this became apparent to me in my early days as a copywriter.

My first-ever client didn’t have a strategy or plan.

I was the one deciding content topics.

In my naivety, I thought this was part of my job as the writer.

While it taught me a lot, it also opened my eyes to the importance of a system.

My client thought they needed content just because.

In reality, content marketing could have played a crucial role in the company achieving its goals.

But without a clear link between the two, we were left clinging to random ideas that we hoped would be successful.

The solution?

Content marketers - the ones who straighten out the calendar by untangling directionless ideas and combing through business objectives.


  • Brainstorm ideas based on brand, audience needs, and marketing goals.
  • Pick out keywords and optimise copy for search engines.
  • Write, edit and schedule content on all channels.
  • Pore over analytics and monitor performance.

What about copywriting?

Think of copywriting as the visible tip of the iceberg.

Grounded in strategy and directed by content marketing, it’s what the audience interacts with.

It either bores the boots off your readers OR sweeps them off their feet and towards action.

The tip of the iceberg is supported by the larger structure beneath the surface.

In the same way, strategic planning cranks up the quality of the copy.

Without the research that strategists and marketers do, there’s no way of knowing what content will work for your brand.

And no - just because one piece of content is successful doesn’t mean your entire strategy should be based around it.

Remember those knee-jerk reactions I mentioned?

All too common in copywriting without strategy.

But when you do have a grasp on what works, then bingo.

Your writer will be able to craft warm and gripping copy that your audience looks forward to reading.

When should you hire a copywriter?

Do you have a clear content plan in place?

Or (at least) know what topics you want to target?

You could be ready for a writer.

You’ll get the most out of the collaboration when you’ve done the groundwork.

Instead of the writer guessing what could work, they’ll have clear directions.

At a minimum, you should be able to tell them:

  • Objective of the content
  • Target audience
  • Call-to-action
  • Word count

You could also throw in:

  • Outline
  • Resources
  • Reader’s intent
  • Key takeaways
  • Brand guidelines
  • Internal links to include
  • Primary and secondary keywords

I want to make this clear:

Don’t expect the writer to create a strategy (unless you’ve hired them for this, of course).

Our job is to bring your content plan to life. To breathe life into your brand’s communications. To craft copy that jumps off the page and delights your audience.

We’ll write content that supports your business objectives, as long as this information is provided.

But if there’s no clear content framework in place, you might not be ready for a copywriter just yet.

When to hire a content marketer?

If you’re drowning in content and desperate for someone to throw you a life jacket -

Hire a content marketer.

To create content effectively and sustainably, there needs to be a system in place.

If you find yourself asking:

  • What do we post?
  • How to use each channel?
  • How to communicate with each audience?
  • How to organise and operate the calendar?

Your best bet is a content marketer, who’ll help you navigate toward consistently impactful communications.

In an ideal world, your content marketer would be provided with a strategy.

But that’s not always the case.

If there’s nothing place, they’ll ask questions relating to:

  • Business goals
  • Audiences
  • Messaging
  • Values

If these haven’t been created yet, they could ask:

  • Is there a post where you liked the tone of voice?
  • A brand you'd like to emulate?
  • Values you’d like to promote?

They’ll then whip up a plan to drive the business towards target audiences through the most relevant channels.

Hey! Need a lifejacket?

Still can’t figure out whether it’s a freelance sustainability copywriter or content marketer that you need? Book a call with me, let’s chat about it!

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